Oppo's Favorite Movies?

Kinja'd!!! "TheHondaBro" (wwaveform)
01/19/2015 at 17:18 • Filed to: None

Kinja'd!!!0 Kinja'd!!! 60

Mine would have to be the Rush Hour trilogy, because reasons.

What's yours?


Kinja'd!!! MonkeePuzzle > TheHondaBro
01/19/2015 at 17:20


everything wes anderson or studio ghibli

a combination of the two would explode my mind

Kinja'd!!! HammerheadFistpunch > TheHondaBro
01/19/2015 at 17:21


blazing saddles

Kinja'd!!! OkCars- 22k Crossroads > TheHondaBro
01/19/2015 at 17:22


Hah those movies make me laugh. i dont have a favorite movie, but you should watch christine.


Kinja'd!!! Anon > MonkeePuzzle
01/19/2015 at 17:24


Why do you have to make me want impossible things!!!

Kinja'd!!! Aya, Almost Has A Cosmo With Toyota Engine Owned by a BMW. > TheHondaBro
01/19/2015 at 17:24


Transporter All Day!

Kinja'd!!! Mercedes Streeter > TheHondaBro
01/19/2015 at 17:24


In order from most favourite:

1. Back to the Future Trilogy (because Science!).

2. Source Code (because TRAINS!!! And Science! And Chicago!).

3. Cloud Atlas (because timelines!).

4. (500) Days of Summer (because reasons).

Also, if any one of you know of a good Transgender movie, Please tell! :)

Kinja'd!!! Luc - The Acadian Oppo > TheHondaBro
01/19/2015 at 17:27






Kinja'd!!! TheHondaBro > OkCars- 22k Crossroads
01/19/2015 at 17:28


Just looked up pictures of Plymouth Furys and now I'm in love.

Kinja'd!!! Anon > TheHondaBro
01/19/2015 at 17:28



Porco Rosso! In fact, you could probably put all of the Miyazaki movies! but I love Porco the most. As I've said before, I'm a giant sucker for anything involving a grand adventure or mystery.

Kinja'd!!! TheHondaBro > Mercedes Streeter
01/19/2015 at 17:28


BTTF. Good call.

Kinja'd!!! TheHondaBro > MonkeePuzzle
01/19/2015 at 17:28


Never heard of either of them. Am I missing out or something?

Kinja'd!!! Mr. Ontop, No Strokes, No Smokes...Goes Fast. > TheHondaBro
01/19/2015 at 17:33


The Hunt for Red October.

Becaush Sean Connery ish Risshin.

Kinja'd!!! Racescort666 > HammerheadFistpunch
01/19/2015 at 17:33


Excuse me while I whip this out...

Kinja'd!!! Agrajag > TheHondaBro
01/19/2015 at 17:34


The Sand Pebbles.

Kinja'd!!! My citroen won't start > TheHondaBro
01/19/2015 at 17:34


Everything Wes Anderson, Life Aquatic takes the cake and Darjeeling Limited comes at a close second

Kinja'd!!! djmt1 > TheHondaBro
01/19/2015 at 17:34


Pacific Rim.

I'm easily entertained.

Kinja'd!!! Racescort666 > TheHondaBro
01/19/2015 at 17:35



The above because reasons.

Otherwise, anything by Mel Brooks. The guy is comedic genius.

Car movie: Rush, hands down although Gone in 60 Seconds is up there.

Kinja'd!!! MonkeePuzzle > TheHondaBro
01/19/2015 at 17:37



Kinja'd!!! MonkeePuzzle > Anon
01/19/2015 at 17:37


that's basically half the posts on oppo, pics of cars or things I want but are impossible

Kinja'd!!! OkCars- 22k Crossroads > TheHondaBro
01/19/2015 at 17:42


Just be careful with them. ( you'll get it if you see the movie)

Kinja'd!!! Saracen > TheHondaBro
01/19/2015 at 17:44



Kinja'd!!! HammerheadFistpunch > My citroen won't start
01/19/2015 at 17:45


Life aquatic is pretty great. no lie.

Kinja'd!!! HammerheadFistpunch > Mr. Ontop, No Strokes, No Smokes...Goes Fast.
01/19/2015 at 17:47


#2 on my list.

Kinja'd!!! DCV > Luc - The Acadian Oppo
01/19/2015 at 17:50


How about this The Rock:


Kinja'd!!! Anon > TheHondaBro
01/19/2015 at 17:51


You are missing life.

Kinja'd!!! Galileo Humpkins (aka MC Clap Yo Handz) > MonkeePuzzle
01/19/2015 at 17:51


Finally saw The Grand Budapest Hotel Saturday night, Wes did it again! What a phenomenal movie!

Kinja'd!!! MonkeePuzzle > Galileo Humpkins (aka MC Clap Yo Handz)
01/19/2015 at 17:51


they haven't all been winners, same can be said for ghibli, but I did really enjoy Grand Budapest .

Kinja'd!!! Galileo Humpkins (aka MC Clap Yo Handz) > MonkeePuzzle
01/19/2015 at 17:54


I've not seen a Wes Anderson movie that I didn't at least like and enjoy but I agree, some are better than others. It's true with everybody.

Kinja'd!!! KirkyV > TheHondaBro
01/19/2015 at 17:54




This year, and every year.

Runners up:




Kinja'd!!! TheHondaBro > Saracen
01/19/2015 at 17:54


Never was a big fan of the Indian Jones series. I do know that I can offend all of you by saying the fourth movie was the best :P

Kinja'd!!! Luc - The Acadian Oppo > DCV
01/19/2015 at 17:55


Never heard of it but now I might have to check it out.

Kinja'd!!! TheHondaBro > KirkyV
01/19/2015 at 17:55


Can't wait for 1885 to come around!

Kinja'd!!! Clown Shoe Pilot > My citroen won't start
01/19/2015 at 17:59


wow. really? i'm a big wes anderson fan too but those aren't common choices for favorites. i'm in camp rushmore/royal tennebaums. moonrise kingdom and grand budapest are up there too. and of course i'm still waiting for the midnight coterie of sinister intruders.

Kinja'd!!! KnowsAboutCars > TheHondaBro
01/19/2015 at 17:59


Marx brothers movies

Chaplin's Modern Times and Dictator

Pink Panther movies (sans the period directly after Peter Sellers' death)

Some less intelligent movies I also like:

Hangover 2

Banlieue 13 Ultimatum

The original French Taxi series

Fast Five

Kinja'd!!! KirkyV > TheHondaBro
01/19/2015 at 18:01


Time is a circle, man.

Kinja'd!!! TheHondaBro > KirkyV
01/19/2015 at 18:03


Oh, and Star Trek IV is clearly the best.

Kinja'd!!! Saracen > TheHondaBro
01/19/2015 at 18:04


Not unexpected from someone who's favorite movies of all time are the Rush Hour series.


Kinja'd!!! TheHondaBro > Saracen
01/19/2015 at 18:10


HEY it's a good trilogy!

Kinja'd!!! My citroen won't start > Clown Shoe Pilot
01/19/2015 at 18:11


Life Aquatic and the whole Zissou character spoke to me in a weird way I don't fully understand, but it did nevertheless. Same thing with Darjeeling Limited and the 3 brothers, also the orange/yellow aesthetics made India my top priority country to visit. We are both waiting haha

Kinja'd!!! DCV > Luc - The Acadian Oppo
01/19/2015 at 18:14


Seriously? It was one of the biggest action movies of the 90s. My favourite as a kid. Also, one of only two good movies that Michael Bay has made (largely due to great producers - Bruckheimer and Simpson).

Kinja'd!!! KirkyV > djmt1
01/19/2015 at 18:14



'Easily entertained' my bum. How could anyone not love this? I can't believe we're actually getting a sequel!

Kinja'd!!! djmt1 > KirkyV
01/19/2015 at 18:19


Some people don't but then again some people are miserable sods. Man I love the Ship bat.

Kinja'd!!! Saracen > TheHondaBro
01/19/2015 at 18:21


You're funny.

Kinja'd!!! KirkyV > TheHondaBro
01/19/2015 at 18:23


Now, I can understand that position - I shared it for a number of years - but IV doesn't have anything like this:

Any film with a space battle, between just two ships, that lasts a good twenty minutes and yet still feels decently-paced and tense, deserves major props from me. I wish people still made stuff like this, in films or on TV.

IV does hold a comfortable second, though.

Kinja'd!!! TheHondaBro > KirkyV
01/19/2015 at 18:26


Okay, but if there's one thing we can all agree on, it's that The Final Frontier was the worst.

Kinja'd!!! Anon > djmt1
01/19/2015 at 18:27


I don't care what anyone says about Pacific Rim, it was dumb as hell and I fucking loved it! I don't need Evangelion levels of mind fuck to make me like giant robots being the shit out of stuff!

Kinja'd!!! KirkyV > TheHondaBro
01/19/2015 at 18:41


Oh, christ yes. The Final Frontier's the one film in my blu-ray box set that I refuse to so much as try to watch. Every other less-than-excellent Star Trek film has at least one redeeming quality*, but The Final Frontier's just bad frosted in bad with extra sprinkles of bad.


**The Motion Picture's incredibly pretty, and so help me, I fucking love twenty-or-so-minute Enterprise porn spacedock sequence. The Search for Spock has Christopher Lloyd, the 'stealing the Enterprise' sequence, one of the most heart-rending scenes ever committed to film - you know the one I'm talking about - and... Actually, come to think of it, The Search for Spock's a pretty good film, generally.

Generations, at the very least, provided a decent number of pretty shots of the Enterprise D - my favourite - doing cool stuff, which are kinda hard to find elsewhere. Insurrection had less-than-excellent special effects, and a few dumb moments, but the most common complaint levied against the film seems to be that, 'It felt like a feature-length episode of TNG' and, honestly, I still have trouble grasping why that's a bad thing—I fucking love TV TNG! As for Nemesis... Some of the space battle scenes were pretty fucking cool, even if the effects still could've been better.


Wait, what other Star Trek films? LALALAICANTHEARYOULALALA

Kinja'd!!! Luc - The Acadian Oppo > DCV
01/19/2015 at 19:29


does it have the trademark Michael Bay explosives?

Kinja'd!!! TwinCharged - Is Now UK Opponaut > TheHondaBro
01/19/2015 at 20:03


Oh yes.

Kinja'd!!! TwinCharged - Is Now UK Opponaut > TheHondaBro
01/19/2015 at 20:08


Any of Studio Ghibli's creations. Magnificent stuff. The Italian Jobs, both the 1969 and 2003 movies. IMO, the 2003 movie was one of the best types of reboot I've ever seen. Ultimate favourite though is probably Contact.


Kinja'd!!! brzedr1 > TheHondaBro
01/19/2015 at 20:47


There Will Be Blood

The Departed

Kinja'd!!! Nobi > TheHondaBro
01/19/2015 at 21:59



Because reasons.

Kinja'd!!! TheHondaBro > Nobi
01/19/2015 at 21:59


SHIT is that your copy???

Kinja'd!!! Nobi > TheHondaBro
01/19/2015 at 22:01


Yessir. Just need to track down Michael J. Fox now.

Kinja'd!!! Agrajag > KirkyV
01/19/2015 at 22:06


It was always a toss up between II and IV for me. III used to be played on tv endlessly when I was kid, and I got sick of it and refused to watch it until I got the bluray set. First off, it and VI have the nicest picture quality of the set, but holy crap did III really hit me after not seeing it for years. The shots of the station interior and exterior with the Excelsior pursuit are phenomenal, and Kirk's reaction to David's death and the subsequent destruction of the Enterprise. I remembered all those scenes, but they hit my adult self much harder than my child self. II is still my favorite, but III is definitely my second favorite, and IV I find my self liking less and less as I get older.


Kinja'd!!! KirkyV > Agrajag
01/19/2015 at 22:31


I still love IV, but III is either third or fourth—First Contact's pretty high up there, for 'It's the Enterprise!' alone. The 'stealing the Enterprise' sequence is just utterly fantastic, and the 'death of the Enterprise' scene is everything the death of the Enterprise D, in Generations, wasn't. I think The Final Frontier is by far the worst Star Trek film, objectively speaking, but Generations might be my least favourite, simply because it provided such an inadequate send-off for my favourite Enterprise, the Enterprise I grew up with.

Kinja'd!!! Agrajag > KirkyV
01/19/2015 at 22:50


Oh man, I don't know that I could rank the two series together, but First Contact would be high up there.

Agreed on Generations. The thing that bothered me the most about that was the how drastically they changed the interior lighting on the Enterprise. During the show it was warmly lit making a inviting atmosphere, but then in the movie it looked like the Enterprise was on auxiliary power.

Kinja'd!!! V8Demon - Prefers Autos for drag racing. Fite me! > TheHondaBro
01/20/2015 at 00:44


The Usual Suspects. 1995. Kevin Spacey, Gabriel Byrne, Chaz Palmiteri. Great flick!

Kinja'd!!! pip bip - choose Corrour > TheHondaBro
01/20/2015 at 05:26


good bye pork pie , nz film.

Kinja'd!!! DCV > Luc - The Acadian Oppo
01/20/2015 at 05:41


Not as nearly as much as his later movies. This one has proper stuff.